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614-436-6500 | 800-632-9440 acquahjoseph919@gmail.com


Advantages of Having Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is a good treatment to avoid being overweight as reported by th...

Important Things to Remember for Personal Care

The effort of caring for senior citizens may take a toll on caregivers. There is...

Senior Women’s Health: Managing Conditions That Arise When...

The decline in physical health is apparent as people age. Diseases occur, vitali...

Effective Communication in Aging Years

We all know that many factors affect the speech and every senior’s way of comm...

Senior Health: The Perks of Low-Impact Exercises

When you picture exercise, images of weightlifting, jogging, or team sports may ...

How to Cope with Stress During Your Golden...

Retirement is often viewed as a reward after nearly a lifetime of hard work. Wit...

Simple Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

There will be days or weeks when things in your life will be less than ideal. Ev...

Why Professional Care is Important for Someone with...

As explained by the American Diabetes Association, diabetes is a chronic conditi...

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